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Roots of Right Brain Education

Embracing the Bond between Right Brain and Left Brain

The roots of right brain education can be traced back to the work of Roger Sperry, a Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist who conducted research on the functions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain in the 1960s.


Sperry's research showed that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, while the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity, intuition, and holistic thinking. This led to a growing interest in the idea of "whole-brain" learning, which seeks to develop both hemispheres of the brain.


In the 1970s, the idea of whole-brain learning was further developed by Dr. Makoto Shichida, a Japanese educator and founder of the Shichida Method. Dr. Shichida developed a teaching method that emphasized visual and spatial learning, using techniques such as flashcards and visual memory games to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain.


​Right brain education is important for kids because it helps them develop a range of skills that are essential for their overall development and success in life. Here are some reasons why right brain education is important for kids:​

Right brain education focuses on developing creativity, imagination, and artistic skills, which are important for children's personal and professional growth

Enhances Creativity

Enhances Creativity 


Right brain education focuses on developing creativity, imagination, and artistic skills, which are important for children's personal and professional growth.

Right brain education methods, such as visualization and association techniques, have been shown to improve memory retention and recall

Memory Retention

Memory Retention


Methods such as visualization and association techniques have been shown to improve memory retention and recall. This can help children learn and retain new information more effectively

Right brain education emphasizes holistic and intuitive thinking, which can help children develop problem-solving skills

Problem Solving

Problem Solving


Emphasizes on holistic and intuitive thinking, thereby developing problem solving skills. By approaching problems from a different perspective, children can come up with innovative and effective solutions.

Right brain education can help children develop emotional intelligence by encouraging them to express their feelings and empathize with others

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence​


Helps children develop emotional intelligence by encouraging them to express their feelings and empathize with others. This can help them build stronger relationships and improve their social skills

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